Music plays an important part in life at Mary Immaculate High School. All pupils have lessons at Key Stage 3 and music is a popular option choice for GCSE in years 9 to 11.
Regardless of prior experience, music is accessible to all, and many pupils develop a love for the subject and perform to a high standard. We offer weekly lessons in singing, piano, drums, guitar and bass guitar and these lessons always prove to be very popular. In addition to this, all pupils are welcome to join the school choir, who perform throughout the school year, including liturgies and celebrations.
Key Stage 3 Music
Pupils explore a variety of styles of music, through a practical approach. Within this, pupils will develop instrumental skills on the keyboard, performing individually and in groups; create their own group arrangements, focusing on collaboration and being creative, and explore ICT in music, by using studio-quality recording and producing software on apple mac computers, where pupils will record songs, arrange music in pairs and creating their own music.
Key Stage 4 Music
The course takes place over 3 years. Pupils must complete three units in total, consisting of: Two performances (30%) and a programme note for one performance (5%); two compositions (30%), and evaluation of one of them (5%); a music listening exam at the end of Y11 (30%)
In terms of assessment, pupils will be expected to perform at least two pieces in Year 11, one of which must be an ensemble (Small group performance). This is teacher assessed and externally moderated. Additionally, pupils will create two compositions, which will be teacher-assessed and moderated.
Finally, the listening exam at the end of the course will feature music they have studied during the course, including two set pieces. This will be externally marked Pupils who opt to take the course must be prepared to be 100% committed to both performance and music theory work.
Throughout KS4, pupils will receive free vocal or instrumental lessons weekly, and it is expected that pupils will attend a lunchtime or after school musical ensemble as part of their skills development.
To find out more information about our GCSE Music course please check out the link shown below: