Ours is a relatively small secondary school which helps us to build strong relationships and to get to know each student as an individual, creating a family-like atmosphere. There is an outstanding pastoral care system in place, which Estyn praised. Pupils can be offered bespoke support and the school works with a wide array of external agencies.
The catchment area is large and while the majority of our pupils join us from one of four designated primary schools (St Cuthbert’s, St Francis, St Mary’s and St Patrick’s) the school welcomes children from over 19 different primaries in the local area.
As you will see from the data included in our prospectus, Mary Immaculate High School is a high achieving school. The progress young people make is excellent, not only for the more able students but for every child, including those who have learning difficulties or special needs. The staff work exceptionally hard to try to get the best possible results for every pupil.
Central to the smooth running of a school are high standards of discipline. We believe that good behaviour and respect are essential, and we work hard to maintain high standards, expecting and receiving support from parents.
The school is proud of its rich extended schools programme with numerous clubs and activities available each day for an hour after school, with an additional late bus for those who wish to stay. We encourage all of our students to take part in at least one of these.