We are very lucky to have so many pupils who want to play an active role in school life here at Mary Immaculate and we have a strong body of pupils who sit on our school parliament
These pupils represent all of the houses and each take on different responsibilities (parties) including:
Teaching and Learning
Faith in Action
The Eco party
In September, pupils have the opportunity to apply to be on school parliament. This is a
fantastic opportunity for them to really make a difference to their fellow pupils. The parliament is made up of 3 students from each year group in years 7-10. Additionally, the school parliament is made up of our Head Boy, Head Girl, their deputies and our Year 11 pupil leadership team.
The parliament meets regularly and, occasionally, will attend external conferences to represent the school.
The school parliament is always looking to get the views from the school community of how different aspects of school life can be approved. If you have a suggestion for how a certain aspect of school life can be improved, please can you complete the following form and the School Parliament will discuss your idea at their next meeting.