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Pupils in the Hall

In PSE we provide the pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding to equip them to lead healthy, confident and independent lives. The aim of a good PSE curriculum should be tailored and suited for the needs of the pupils who attend, therefore our pupils are given opportunities each year to request topics based on any gaps or confusion they have.


All lessons in PSE use discussions as a vehicle to deliver content. As a team we feel discussions are vital in understanding pupils current understanding and any misconceptions they have, but also provides a platform in which pupils can hear opposing views to develop their empathy and understanding as they grow.


Pupils engage with the importance of taking care of both our physical and mental health in both Key Stage 3 and 4. Lessons are delivered to pupils to understand the benefits of healthy living and are made aware of the dangers of risk taking behaviours. PSE lessons are a safe environment so open discussions around mental health can be had. Pupils will discover causes of poor mental health and be given strategies so they can independently manage their own mental health.


As we are a proud Catholic school, all aspects of Relationships and Sex Education are delivered using Ten Ten, a highly regarded educational and film company which specialises in delivering this content from a Christian faith-based perspective.

Pupils in the Hall



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